Feed My Face: Food Prep

FEED MY  FACE: Eat your way to healthy skin/Eat to dial down redness.

Before sharing my fave concoctions to dial down redness and boost your glow, I must admit that cooking is NOT my forte!!!  However, as a science teacher, I love experimenting and channeling my creativity into delicious recipes. I create my recipes the same way I design a middle school science experiment:  I highly suggest testing out one new ingredient at a time so you can pinpoint the cause of a flare-up or identify the skin-boosting winning ingredient.  There is a cause and effect relationship between the food we eat and what is reflected back in the mirror.  

Constants: Constants are variables, or in this scenario, the ingredients that remain constant on my plate no matter what I am concocting in the kitchen. For me, this is a magical combination of fiber, healthy fats and protein, which keep me going when I am busy teaching all day! 

Independent Variable: Think of this variable as the “cause,” this is the variable or ingredient that we want to isolate and test out to determine if it has any impact on our skin. I test one “superfood” at a time.

Dependent Variable: Our dependent variable, the observable effect (or none at all) is what is reflected back in the mirror.  We will need to pay close attention to our skin to determine if there is a “cause and effect” relationship between the ingredient we test & consume (IV) and its effect on our complexion(DV)

Desired results & outcomes(s): Glowing complexion, plump & hydrated skin, boosted energy!

Like a mad scientist in the kitchen, I constantly collect qualitative data and retest it until I get the desired outcome. 

Meal prepping

My simple food prepping tips will help you break down what to eat (skin-boosting anti-inflammatory foods) and what to limit (processed foods). I’ve tried to make them memorable, fun and straightforward for you. (Don’t forget to start using your tracker). While I’m not a dietitian or nutritionist, I would love to share what is tried and true for me. But remember: what works for my taste buds might not work for yours!

(I strongly encourage you to seek guidance with your MD, RD or PCP for personalized medical advice on your dietary needs - below are suggestions only).  

My Weekly Plan & Prep Checklist.

Meal prep is KEY when you are busy and will save you grief from figuring out dinner when you are hangry. Still working on my consistency with this one! 

Ordering my groceries ahead of time allows me to plan  better – at least in theory! I don’t have the time, nor do I enjoy chopping up a million ingredients - just not my thing. I prefer easy, simple, delicious, healthy food that won’t bring on a nervous breakdown at mealtime.  HA!

Shopping list:

  • Veggies, hummus, dips

  • Fruit and nut butters

  • Everyday mix: greens, dark leafy, nuts, seeds, evoo, salt and pepper

  • Hard-boiled eggs

  • Low GI grains

  • Wild salmon

Light Weekday Prep: 

Emphasis on the LIGHT! 

In a perfect world, I roast a batch of veggies, boil some eggs and soak some oats overnight. Then I can literally throw a salad together or reheat some oatmeal and toss in some superstar ingredients to boost the fiber/nutrient density.

While I prefer to eat my food over drinking it, I create a variety of smoothies to make sure I have a diverse microbiome to boost my glow. 

I’m a working mom on the go with two boys at home - mornings get BUSY. I would LOVE to have our lunches/snacks packed ready the night before, but this is not always the case.

I end up boiling eggs, rinsing and chopping veg between getting dressed and out the door. 

Breakfast Prepping  

  • Egg on gluten-free bread (look for as unprocessed as possible with no added sugar - or ezekiel flourless bread).

  • Oatmeal: with a banana, cinnamon and almond butter.

Oats. I love quick and easy gluten-free oats for crunch and berries for sweetness. Add some good fats (flax, chia seeds) and sprinkle granola on top. (I make my own - steer clear of added sugars in supermarket granola). I try to get my crunch from whole foods - however, when not practical, let’s reach for the next big thing. (Remember, small manageable shifts and progress over perfection).

Bread. Not going to deny myself - I LOVE it! Ezekiel is my go-to (flourless, less processed) topped with almond butter, sliced apple and flax for a power crunch - my “big girl” pb&J. I’ve replaced peanut butter with almond butter (look for added sugars – rosacea flare-ups don’t stand a chance).

Lunch prepping.

Lunch is my biggest meal: a simple, colorful, hearty salad with lean protein and lots of greens drizzled with olive oil and tangy balsamic. Flavor is key so load up with pumpkin seeds, antioxidant-rich spices (oregano, cilantro) and artichokes. Eat the rainbow for various phytonutrients and a playful combination of bitter herbs and crunch.

Dinner prepping

Keep it light compared to lunch.

Easy weeknight dinner:  Wild Salmon baked in foil in the oven - make own dill topping 

(see recipe section).

Snack prepping

I have always been a grazer - mini-meals power me throughout the day. My colleagues nicknamed me a hummingbird because I’m constantly snacking and on the move. 

My tried and true treats help me resist cravings for chips and crackers, which leave me hungry 10 minutes later. A more filling, nutrient-dense combination of good fats, fiber, protein and low glycemic carbs does the trick. A yummy snack that I can eat on the go while schlepping kids around town to activities or in meetings/teaching all day.

The takeaway is simple, easy and delicious.

My favorite snacks: 

  • Fresh fruit and almond butter

  • Unsweetened dairy-free yogurt or Fage greek topped with chia seeds, nuts

  • Hard-boiled eggs:  Nature’s “beauty bomb” loaded with skin-loving nutrients (including selenium, amino acids, and B vitamins) and protein to fill me up. One of my faves.

  • Raspberries/strawberries mixed with pumpkin, chia or flax seeds and chocolate chips.

  • Chopped cucumbers and fresh dill dipped in lemon hummus (store-bought - easy to make your own as well) 

  • Diced avocado and fresh salsa with chopped up peppers

  • HU grain-free crackers (if my hummus or avocado/salsa dip needs some crunch!).

  • Hu Dark Chocolate chunks/baking chips melted dip with fresh berries.

  • Oatmeal with a drizzle of maple syrup, spicy honey, manuka honey or monk fruit sweetener.

  • Raspberries, blackberries & roasted walnuts lightly brushed with Manuka honey. 

After work/school: Family-friendly Power-ups Prepping.

“Energy bites” orpower-ups”, as my son likes to call them, because they give you magical powers!

  • Spirulina: add this super green powder to shakes

  • Vital Proteins Collagen: Check out my personal story on my experience with collagen in WebMD HERE

  • Turmeric: this potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory packs a punch. I LOVE turmeric latte - add extra spice and boost digestion by simmering ginger and a pinch of antioxidant black pepper.

  • Superfood Highlight:  Turmeric & black pepper, chia seeds (omega 3 fatty acids) and flax seeds, 

Hydrate!  Drink prepping

I’m a Pisces and a water sign, and no surprise,  I LOVE to drink water! Over half of the human body is composed of water, and it’s essential for cell turnover. (You guessed it, rosacea sufferers need help with their cell turnover).  Proper hydration impacts how we feel, look and even think. No wonder I have more energy, a dewy complexion, and clearer skin when I’m hydrated.

Not feeling water? Spruce it up with delicious berries, lemon, mint and herbs. Some of my faves:  

  • DWB Bowe Growe

  • Apple Cider Vinegar 

  • Sakara Chlorophyll Drops

  • Rooibos tea.

  • Green tea/coffee/splash almond milk (or other unsweetened dairy alternatives).

Have you tried eating your water?! Or, if you don’t like the taste, try adding these water-rich foods to your meals: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, oranges, berries or melons.  Check out my delicious nutrient dense ice cube recipes! 

Gut-loving Foods  

Over 70% of our immune system lives in our gut!!!!  Let’s nourish our gut with healing foods: think whole foods and hydration instead of processed foods. 

Prebiotics: full of dietary fiber that feeds the good bacteria (the good bugs) in our gut.  I LOVE the bitter taste of Dandelion greens -perfect for salads. The Italian girl in me has no objection to onions & garlic in just about any dish!  Stock up on bananas and asparagus, and your good bugs will love you and your skin.

Probiotic/Fermented Foods: Your gut gets bored easily and craves variety. Try yogurt with live and active cultures, kimchi, pickled foods, and kombucha. 

Skin-loving veggies:

Roasted sweet potatoes/butternut squash: Loaded with Vitamin A and antioxidants. Their natural sweetness caramelizes as they bake, making them completely delicious as a stand-alone side or the main star of a meal. 

Dark leafy greens - washed and chopped OR premade mixed greens for on the go.

Rinsing your own produce and storing it in glass containers helps reduce plastic waste and is better for our environment. 

Even rosacea sufferers can add spice! 

Add flavor with antioxidant-rich spices: fresh herbs - dill, cilantro, turmeric, oregano, simple salsa. Just be mindful that some spices can cause a rosacea flare. I love spices, so I use body intelligence and my tracker to monitor how much to indulge.  

Limit:  Spicy/Alcohol/Dairy/Gluten. All so personal – what affects me might not affect you. Flare-ups can come out of the blue, so record and listen. Body intelligence is key.

Kitchen Tools: 

  • Slow cooker: I love throwing everything  in before I leave in the morning and coming home to a ready meal.

  • Air fryer: still learning this, but it’s so easy  and a change from baking

  • Ninja Blender: awesome for preparing soups, smoothies and ice cream!


Products: Healing Lotions For Sensitive Skin


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