Personal Evolution

The transformative process where scientific inquiry meets self-discovery.

“Curiosity naturally leads us to investigate, experiment, and dive into the scientific inquiry process. And guess what? You are a phenomenon worth investigating."

Take Notes, Experiment, and Rediscover Your Authentic Self.

I continually experiment with everything—whether it's ingredients in food, recipes, or life experiences. I'm always gathering data, and by data, I mean the notes and insights documented throughout the process.

So grab a notebook, and let me guide you on your inquiry into self-discovery.

But first, a little trip down memory lane to brush up on the Experimental Design Process:

Independent Variable (IV): The factor you change. Simple shifts—whether it’s a tweak in lifestyle, a new ingredient in your skincare regimen, or something else.

Dependent Variable (DV): The outcome you observe. Personal evolution. Like the scientific process of inquiry, this journey is not linear. There are no defined, cookie-cutter steps. True inquiry leads us closer to our truth—the desire to understand, elevate, and evolve. The key is to stay curious.

Data Collection: The information you gather. Journaling, writing, and dialogue provide qualitative data—rich, descriptive insights into your experiences. While science often prioritizes quantitative data (think lab results or numerical measurements), in this work, it's the qualitative data that drives deeper understanding and personal evolution. Always remember to collect and reflect—whether it's in the form of numbers or narratives.

Variables Worth Investigating: The factors that can influence outcomes. Nutrition, sleep, introspection, stillness, movement. For me, it’s mindful movement and the beauty of nature that inspire. Skies the limit!