science & stewardship

Everything is connected: how we treat ourselves, others and our planet.  Engaging young people in efforts to address global issues at the local level strengthens a sense of agency and builds resilience needed to navigate complex environmental challenges.

All the activities below help us connect through nature, community, wonder & fun - and they make magical memories along the way!

Citizen Science Projects: "Ask not what science can do for you, ask what you can do for science"

Engaging in citizen science projects offers an incredible opportunity to enrich classroom learning by bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. In today's tech-saturated, instant-gratification culture, these hands-on, meaningful experiences provide a much-needed contrast, teaching students the value of patience and persistence and the impact of contributing to larger community and environmental goals.

These projects effortlessly dismantle the traditional confines of classroom walls, offering students a gateway to the vast world beyond textbooks and exams. They foster a sense of connection, not only to the material they're learning but to the global community and the planet. By participating in these projects, students can see the direct consequences of their actions on the environment and society, cultivating a deeper understanding of and commitment to scientific inquiry and environmental stewardship.

Moreover, these experiences help students develop various skills, including critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving, which are invaluable in any future career path. They also inspire curiosity and a lifelong love of learning, showing that education is not just about acquiring knowledge but about making a tangible difference in the world.

Bringing citizen science projects into the classroom is more than just an educational strategy; it's a way to inspire the next generation of scientists, environmentalists, and informed citizens, ready to tackle the challenges of their time with innovation and resilience.