Rosacea 101: Triggers & Lifestyle Shifts

If you are one of the unlucky 14 million people experiencing uncontrollable redness on your face, accompanied by acne-like bumps, you might have a skin condition called rosacea. I started experiencing rosacea symptoms in my early 30s. What began as a dry red patch by my temple developed into persistent facial redness down the center of my face.   

What IS rosacea?  Rosacea is persistent facial redness (erythema) and flushing. Facial redness is usually the first (and most obvious) symptom. Enlarged capillaries just beneath the skin stay dilated, so the skin always looks flushed. Other noticeable symptoms include pimples/pustules, visible blood vessels, bloodshot eyes, itchy, dry patches and stinging skin.  More severe symptoms include ocular rosacea and rhinophyma (thickening of tissue on the nose). Although rosacea is not life-threatening, sufferers experience emotional stress and embarrassment during a flare-up. Left untreated, rosacea will get worse, not better, so let’s discover your triggers.

Rosacea Triggers:  Everyone’s triggers are different:

  • Environmental: Sun exposure, cold winds

  • Stress: physical & emotional

  • Cosmetics & fragrances (especially those containing alcohol) 

  • Hot/cold drinks

  • Spicy foods

  • Breathing/being alive (ha!) 

What causes rosacea? No one is sure - rosacea loves being mysterious!  Pieces of the puzzle include: genetics, Demodex mites, immunity & the nervous system. Thanks to dedicated scientists and dermatologists, research continues, getting rosacea sufferers closer to much-needed medical treatment! 

Who is most likely to experience rosacea?  Fair-skinned women approaching 30s.

How is rosacea best treated? Holistically. Rosacea is manageable but not curable. Various prescription creams and pills can be helpful (I’ve tried them all), but long-term use doesn’t suit my skin (or gut). When insurance no longer approved the creams that helped manage painful flare-ups, I decided to adopt a holistic approach instead. Diet and lifestyle shifts have helped tremendously, and a tracker or diary works wonders for monitoring and identifying triggers over time. Not a one size fits all approach – it’s far too personal.

What should I look for?

Rosacea symptoms range from mild to severe subtypes. Discover your subtype (hit up your board-certified dermatologist for diagnosis), and then OBSERVE!

Diagnostic Signs of Rosacea

  • Persistent Redness

  • Skin Thickening

Major Signs of Rosacea

  • Flushing

  • Bumps & Pimples

  • Visible Blood Vessels

  • Eye Irritation

Secondary Signs & Symptoms

  • Burning or Stinging

  • Swelling

  • Dryness

Imagine dueling with rosacea and regaining control of your skin

Benefits of healing rosacea holistically:

  • Glowing skin

  • Boosted energy

  • Plump, hydrated, dewy skin

  • Dialed down redness

SOURCE: I highly recommend visiting the National Rosacea Society website for more information on the latest developments to understand rosacea.  The National Rosacea Society provides tools, tips and medical insight - ALWAYS consult your board-certified dermatologist with your specific questions and concerns to address your condition. 

“All About Rosacea.” National Rosacea Society, © 1996–2022 National Rosacea Society, 

Lifestyle Shifts

I don’t need to tell you that rosacea is notoriously hard to treat. By the time you read my rosacea journey, you will know there are no quick fixes. But please don’t be disheartened – together, we will incorporate simple shifts into your busy lifestyle for radical, beautiful results.  

My skin has taught me that rosacea is far more than skin deep – it reflects my mind, body and soul. For me, the ‘lightbulb’ moment was learning about the connection between food, stress, and gut inflammation. I’ve learned to address the cause of my rosacea instead of just treating the symptoms.  This journey has taught me to believe in myself and take charge of my skin.

Rosacea doesn’t have a gene like acne or eczema, so let’s work out your triggers. My rosacea triggers are obvious: my rosacea flares up when I am not looking after myself, mentally or physically. Now I choose healthier skin over ‘perfect skin’ and prioritize proper rest, good quality food and ‘me time’ to allow my skin to heal.

I would love to share some simple lifestyle shifts to support your gut health, dial down your stress and manage your rosacea. Lifestyle shifts need not be scary! If you’re thinking of mung beans and punishing gym sessions, think again. 

Healing rosacea holistically, through a scientific lens, makes the journey fun AND effective. Let’s update your favorite recipes by experimenting with delicious skin-boosting ingredients! Treat yourself to food that feeds your face and raises your vibrations.  Let me help you “re-engineer” yourself – you deserve to look and feel good! I hope my story can motivate you to start your own journey. 

You deserve to feel good in the skin you’re in.


My Rosacea Routine Featuring Skin Cycling™

